
Cracking the Code: Unveiling Risky Assumptions through Usability Testing

Ed Valdez
June 30, 2023
2 min read
Ace Usability Testing and Crush Assumptions

Speaking with your users is an absolute game-changer in the world of product management. It's like a secret weapon that helps us uncover the riskiest assumptions we make about who is the user, the value of solving their pain point, and the usability of your UI. With these tests, you can gather invaluable insights that shape our decision-making process and steer us away from building the wrong solutions. I wanted to share how I conduct usability testing. I must note that for 0 to 1 products, you'd want to validate personas and user needs hypothesis first.

Step 1: Unleashing the Magic of Personas

Dive headfirst into Reddit forums and industry-specific Facebook groups. These hotspots are overflowing with great user insights.

Get in the thick of those online conversations, ask questions, and get to know users inside out. The more you engage, the more is uncovered.

By the time you're done, your personas will start to move from the unvalidated to validated phase.

Step 2: Crafting the Script 

This script is your ticket to gathering the insights you need.

Identify the specific goals of your usability test. Are you testing the accuracy of your user segmentation? Or perhaps you're validating the problem space or the value proposition? Whatever it may be, tailor your script to target those objectives like a heat-seeking missile.

When it comes to usability testing, visuals are key. Have a prototype or mockup ready, designed to guide users through the actions you want them to take. Think of it as your roadmap to user engagement and understanding. The prototype you show to users should be interactive if possible.

As you conduct the test, don't forget to capture the details. Take detailed notes or, even better, record the sessions to ensure you don't miss a beat. Pay close attention to user interactions, thoughts, and emotions. And don't be afraid to dig deeper – ask users why they clicked that specific button or what they expected when they tapped on certain features.

Remember, the script is your secret weapon, so make it thoughtful, purposeful, and engaging.

Step 3: Unveiling the Insights with Thematic Analysis

Read and analyze your session notes. Then, start organizing those notes onto post-it notes, one by one. It's like putting together a puzzle where each note is a vital piece of the bigger picture.

As you arrange the post-it notes, you'll start to notice patterns emerging. These patterns hold the key to the most significant insights. Focus on the big themes that consistently appear throughout the data. These will inform your decisions and guide next steps.

Be on a quest for substance here. So don't just skim the surface – dive deep into the data, find those hidden connections, and let the themes guide you.

With your post-it notes organized, you'll be armed with a clear understanding of what truly matters. Embrace the power of this affinity diagram.

Step 4: Insights and Actionable Priorities

Now that you've sorted through the notes and uncovered the key themes, it's time to decompose them into powerful insights. 

Take those top four or five themes and craft concise one-sentence insight identification summaries that capture their essence. For example, if users are scratching their heads over the purpose of the call-to-action button, our insight might be: "Users feel uncertain about the CTA button; we need a crystal-clear and unmistakable CTA."

Then to turn these insights into prioritized insights. Take that theme of CTA confusion, for instance. Now you can transform it into a tangible action, like: "Craft clear and concise copy for the CTA and ensure interactive hover effects for enhanced user comprehension."

By prioritizing these actionable insights, it will guide future updates and ensuring you're focusing on what matters to our users. It's all about taking these insights and transforming them into meaningful changes that will make our product loveable and useful (but this only matters if you already validated user value).

Step 5: Iterative Testing & Collaboration

Now it's time to put them into action with iterative testing.

Take those prioritized action points and let them guide you as you make updates to the prototype. You're refining, tweaking, and shaping our product based on real user insights. It's like sculpting a masterpiece, one user-friendly feature at a time.

Don't stop with just one round of testing. Repeat the usability testing process multiple times, incorporating user feedback at every turn. This iterative approach allows you to fine-tune our product and ensure it's on the path to usability.

Armed with our newfound insights, we're ready to join forces with our talented dev team. By sharing these insights and aligning our vision, you can ensure they don't waste their precious time on solutions that miss the mark. It's all about working together, leveraging our collective know-how, and delivering a product that leaves users delighted.

Pro tip: don't forget the power of regular user interviews and usability studies. Carve out some time each month to engage with 3 to 6 users. It's not only a chance to learn and grow but also a heck of a lot of fun. Trust me, these experiences will be invaluable in enhancing our overall product development process.

Final thoughts

So, my fellow product junkies, embrace the beauty of iterative testing and collaboration. Shape a product that delights users, delights stakeholders, and leaves the competition wondering how you make the magic happen. 

Ed Valdez
A product manager on a quest to find that perfect product-market fit.