
The birth of a user story

Ed Valdez
October 30, 2022
4 min read

What are user stories

A user story is a description of one specific feature or functionality that a product is intended to provide. This description typically includes details about the desired interaction between the product and its users, as well as information about the user interface (UI) and the conditions under which it should be considered acceptable. To create user stories in an agile development context, a product manager must first solicit input from various stakeholders across different teams and departments. They will then work with the product design team to create conceptual and technical mockups of the proposed product features, including intricate details about how they will work and what users can expect from them. Finally, these user stories are typically accompanied by artifacts such as acceptance criteria, which serve as formal validation points that can be used to determine whether or not a new product feature has been successfully implemented. As such, understanding how to properly create product user stories is essential for any product development team looking to deliver high-quality and well-functioning products in a fast and efficient manner.

Gandalf on our feature roadmap

A company vision should lead to the product vision & strategy

When a company has a strong global vision of the industry in which it operates, its mission statement. company vision, and product vision are sure to follow. At the core of every successful company is a clear understanding of what it stands for, who its customers are, and what value it provides to them. The product vision focuses on how the company hopes to achieve its global mission by creating products that reflect its values and meet customer needs.

Once the product vision has been established, the next step is to create a corresponding product strategy. This often involves outlining different features that may be included in various products, as well as determining how those features will ultimately lead to value propositions for customers. With this information in hand, the company can begin crafting different strategies for delivering that value through specific products, services, or initiatives designed to address customer needs at all stages of their buying journey. Ultimately, by linking its product vision with detailed product and feature strategies, a company can set itself up for long-term success in the marketplace.

From strategic themes to product features to epics on a roadmap

When developing a new product or feature, it is important to start with a clear product strategy that defines the overarching goals and vision for the initiative. This strategy is typically broken down into smaller themes, or key areas of focus, that help to decompose the overall product initiatives into more manageable pieces. The prioritization of these themes then leads to prioritized projects and features, which are then refined further into epics on the product roadmap.

A well-constructed roadmap is essential for guiding product development efforts and helping to ensure that our products stay aligned with user needs and industry trends. With its timeline framework that assigns each project a "now," "next," or "later" status, a product roadmap helps us to embrace flexibility and keep our priorities in line with changing market conditions or user feedback. Ultimately, it is this attention to detail and careful management of strategic themes that help to drive successful product development initiatives and create truly transformative products.

Epics on a roadmap to user stories

When creating a product roadmap, it's important to consider both the big picture and the small details. On one hand, you need to have a high-level vision of where you want your product to go in the future and what sorts of features and capabilities you want to include. But on the other hand, you also need to consider how these big ideas will be broken down into more manageable components that can be implemented easily.

One way that this is done is by taking an epic or overarching theme and turning it into smaller user stories. These smaller stories are typically made up of specific functionality or features that together make up each broader goal or objective outlined in your roadmap. For example, if one of your epics is focused on improving customer engagement through social media channels, then some possible user stories might include things like adding new social media sharing buttons to the product pages, giving customers insights into their purchase history via social media platforms, and enabling push notifications for users who opt-in.

Overall, by creating smaller user stories from larger epics on your roadmap, you can ensure that each step toward achieving your overall goals is well-defined and clear. This allows you to more effectively manage implementations and track progress as you work towards achieving each milestone on your longer-term roadmap.

Gandalf enjoying our new feature ice cream

Benefits of user stories

User stories are an essential tool for product development, offering several key benefits to teams working on software or other products. By including interaction and UI details, user stories provide a detailed picture of what the end product should look like, which allows developers to better understand and strategize about the implementation process. Additionally, user stories include acceptance criteria, which helps teams ensure that the final product meets specific quality standards. Finally, by creating a shared understanding between stakeholders and team members around the goals and direction of the project, user stories can help to facilitate effective collaboration and ensure that everyone is working toward the same goals. Ultimately, by assigning story points to each user story to measure sprint bandwidth, teams can successfully manage time commitments and can more effectively plan their workloads. Whether at an early stage of product development or as a crucial part of agile methodology, user stories are a powerful tool that every team should use to create high-quality products that meet expectations.

Final thoughts

User stories are an essential part of agile development and can help ensure that your product is aligned with your company's vision. By starting with the company vision, product vision, and strategic themes, you can create a product roadmap that details how those themes will be delivered in features and user stories. This process helps to ensure that every aspect of the product aligns with the overall goal, making it easier to prioritize and deliver value to users.

Ed Valdez
A product manager on a quest to find that perfect product-market fit.